Exit plans for small business
Whether you plan to sell your small business now or in a few years, it’s never too early to plan your exit!
Create a plan to sell your business
Valuation Report
You want to sell your business for a fair price that reflects its worth. A valuation report helps you determine a realistic and attractive selling price. View Sample Report.
Sale Page
Market your business to prospective buyers with a custom web page with key information and a video of you talking about your business.
Preparation Dashboard
Access your personalized dashboard to see what tasks you need to complete so your business is ready when the time comes to engage potential buyers.
Expert Support
Resources and experts available to answer your questions and help you create a exit plan for your business.
Over 80% of businesses fail to sell
Don't wait. Start your exit plan today
All too often, small business owners delay planning for the inevitable. Exiting their business. As a result, they are unprepared and fail to sell the business.
Creating an exit plan will prepare you for when the time comes to engage a buyer and navigate due diligence.
ExitGuide provides everything you need to create an exit plan that you can update over time.
A small investment can make all the difference in meeting your goal to sell your business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need an exit plan?
Let’s put it this way. If you want to sell a house, you take time to make reapirs, touch up the paint and look at what has sold recently in the neighborhoord. Selling your business takes preparation and an exit plan will help you increase the odds of actually selling your business.
When should I start planning my exit?
Ideally when you start your business. However, most owners do not have a plan so now is the time to create one. If you plan to exit in a few years, creating a plan and updating it is a owrthwile investment that can make the difference in selling the business or closing the doors.
What is included in an exit plan from ExitGuide?
An exit plan includes a valuation report, a planning dashboard to emanage tasks to prepare your business, a web page to market your business to buyers and support from experts.
What type of valuation is provided with my plan?
ExitGuide will provide a market based valuation report. This uses transaction data from similar businesses that have sold. In order for us to generate your report, we will need 3 years of P&L Statements, a balance sheet and the most current tax return.
What is the planning dashboard?
Every owner needs to share information during the due diligence process. The dashboard is an easy to use interface which shows you what you need and why you need it and allows you to keep it all in a central location.
What if want to work with broker or certified exit planner?
Great! We can connect you with professional advisors who will help you and can take your business to market. You may also choose the D.I.Y approach. It’s up to you!
Will ExitGuide list my business on other websites?
ExitGuide will create a “Sell Page” that you can share with prosective buyers. You may share this wherever you like. What’s important is buyers who visit your page will know you have done the work to prepare the business and not just listed it on a web site hoping for the best.
What if I have questions along the way?
When you work with ExitGuide, you can access experts to answer your questions. If you need a more in depth meeting, just schedule a coaching session for an additional fee.
How does ExitGuide charge?
We charge a flat fee to create your plan which includes the valuation, dashboard and sell page. You may renew your account annually as long as you are planning to sell your business.
Are there any additional fees?
There are additional fees if you choose to schedule a coaching session or work with a professional advisor such as a broker or certified exit advisor. You will approve any fees in advance.
What does it take to start my exit plan?
We offer a free sale readiness assessment. This is a brief survey to measure how prepared your business is to attract a buyer and close a transaction. Then you can upgrade to create an exit plan for your business.
Buyers focus on businesses that are ready to sell

I look at dozens of deals every week and most lack the basic information we need to engage. We simply move on.
Andrew M, SMB Acquirer

I see too many sellers unprepared for the process of selling their business. It often kills the deal or even prevents me from sending them an LOI.
Yvetter Owo, owner YOLO Accounting & SMB Acquirer
ExitGuide helps owners plan for success

ExitGuide has been helpful in teaching me what is most important for me to focus on to get my business ready to sell in the future.”
Heidi Brockmyre (preparing to sell in 12 months)
owner in California

ExitGuide helped me present my business to a buyer and gave me an understanding of what to expect through the process, all without the big commissions of a broker!
Jim Lehman (sold to competitor)
owner in Florida