When a buyer is interested in your small business, they will want to engage in a thorough examination often referred to as the due diligence process. Whether you plan to find a buyer for your small business or plan to sell to a business partner, employee or a family member, the due diligence process is a crucial step. If you need a refresher on just what due diligence means, just click here.
Learn your options, essential terms and more!
Three Questions That Tell You How Easily You Could Sell Your Small Business
There are many reasons small business owners seek an exit from their businesses. Retirement, health concerns, simply seeking something new or other circumstances are just a few of the most common reasons. The ideal exit is to sell the business and pocket the cash. As a small business owner, you may be considering an exit and wonder if selling your business is a good option. If you have a strong emotional attachment to your company, it may be hard to look at the decision objectively.
How To Value A Small Business
Every business owner wants to know “how much is my business worth?” Let’s be honest, you built your business and it is probably a big part of your financial net worth and maybe selling it is key to your retirement planning.
5 Things You Can Do When Your Business Value Is Not What You Expected
If the valuation for your small business that is lower than what you expected, we have tips on alternative exit strategies to consider.
Definitions Page
Exiting a small business will likely include preparing financial statements for potential buyers as well as obtaining a business or net asset valuation (ExitGuide Pro includes a valuation). If you need a refresher on some of the terminologies or you do not “speak finance” ExitGuide has summarized many key terms below in what we hope is a clear and practical explanation.
5 Ways to Add Value to Your Business Prior to Selling
When selling your business, there are many strategies you can use to increase the valuation of...